Try this easy cooking recipe to prepare, step by step, a quick, comforting and very nutritious pea cream....
Huh? Did you really read the title correctly? Yes, you have! Sweet cupcakes were yesterday, hearty cupcakes are today! Of course I really like classic cupcakes, so that's where it all started. But after I came across the highly successful site search of healthy dishes (yes, I'm still here!) And stumbled upon this recipe, it was about me done: hearty, low-fat and someh...
The Waldorf salad is quick and easy to prepare, but at the same time it is a dish worthy of the best tables. It also allows to combine many vegetables in a single dish, and not necessarily those we eat every day: celery, apples, raisins and nuts....
Once again I have the problem that there are just too many recipes floating around in my head and I just do not know what to cook. I'm working at full speed on my cookbook project and gradually creating a recipe database for home use, but I just have too many books with too many recipes. When asked what food there is today, so I remembered nothing and the best man had to think and choose something...