Once again I have the problem that there are just too many recipes floating around in my head and I just do not know what to cook. I'm working at full speed on my cookbook project and gradually creating a recipe database for home use, but I just have too many books with too many recipes. When asked what food there is today, so I remembered nothing and the best man had to think and choose something. Since we were both late at home, it should be quick and easy. Then he began to rummage through the Internet and delivered me a frittata recipe with spaghetti and peas, but somehow just "goes like this" was. Instead, I've transformed the whole thing a bit and made something new out of it and created my own spaghetti frittata, which is wonderfully complemented by peas, mangetout and feta. Fast spaghetti frittata with peas, mangetout and feta cheese For 3-4 servings approx. 150 g dry spaghetti or spaghetti 100 g peas (TK) 100 g sugar peas (TK) 2 garlic cloves 1-2 onions 2 tbsp olive oil 4 eggs 150 g sour cream Salt, pepper, paprika 100 g feta Preheat the oven to 190 ° C. The spaghetti according to package instructions in plenty of salt water al ...

Quick spaghetti frittata with peas, mangetout and feta

Once again I have the problem that there are just too many recipes floating around in my head and I just do not know what to cook. I'm working at full speed on my cookbook project and gradually creating a recipe database for home use, but I just have too many books with too many recipes.
When asked what it is to eat today So, nothing came to mind and the best man had to think and choose something for himself. Since we were both late at home, it should be quick and easy.
He then began to rummage through the internet and delivered me a frittata recipe with spaghetti and peas, which somehow just "goes like this" was instead.

Instead, I've transformed it all and made something new out of it and created my own spaghetti frittata, which is wonderfully complemented by peas, mangetout and feta.

Quick spaghetti frittata with peas, mangetout and feta ​​b>
For 3-4 servings
ca. 150g of dry spaghetti or spaghettini
100g of peas (TK)
100g of peas (TK)
2 garlic cloves
1- 2 onions
2 tablespoons olive
4 eggs
150 g sour cream
salt, pepper, paprika powder
100 g feta ​​div>
Preheat the oven to 190 ° C.
Cook the spaghetti in plenty of salted al dente water. Drain and rinse with cold water.
Pour frozen peas and mangetouts into a bowl and pour boiling water over them, let stand briefly, then drain.
Peel garlic and chop finely, add onions as well Peel and finely chop.
Heat the olive oil in an oven-proof large pan and fry garlic and onions until light, then add the spaghetti and sauté well. Add the peas and mangetouts and pan in the pan.
Whisk the eggs with the sour cream and season with salt, pepper and paprika.
Remove the pan from the heat and add the egg mass Pour evenly over the spaghetti.
Crumble the feta on top and place in the oven for about 10 minutes until the eggs falter and the surface browns slightly.
Still hot directly serve from the pan.
A fresh green salad goes well with it.
We devoured the frittata directly without a side dish ...
fresh frittata with peas, mangetouts, feta and spaghetti from the pan
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