Culinary trips, restaurant guides. Gastronomic tourism. The world is very big, you have to eat it little by little.

Eating Around

Ice and Coal Restaurant in Madrid
Aviburger Restaurant: burgers with Venezuelan flavor in Madrid
Gumbo Restaurant: Creole gastronomy in Madrid
Mr. Vu Vietnamese Restaurant in Madrid
Ikigai Japanese Restaurant - Madrid
Kung Fu Chinese restaurant - Madrid
Chinese restaurant Winnie the Pooh, Madrid
Restaurant Tu!

Bangkok Downtown Sushi Menu Many Rolls...

For quick rest baking for the weekend, I have picked out another recipe with Martha Stewart, which is super easy to do and always goes down well: Brownies! However, the raspberry blondies have not been beaten so far. After having experience with monster brownies, they should be a little easier this time. But not boring either. That's when the idea with the caramelized pecans came in handy! Chocola...

Actually, I had actually already started the autumn with my plum cake, but now I jump back to the summer fruit. I am as changeable as this summer itself. This year I had my problems with peaches and nectarines. Either the stuff was so mushy and no longer edible or stick hard and was not soft. The only delicious peaches I've had this year, I've made as a sweet side dish to the ricotta pancakes. Whe...

When I discovered the salad leafing through an American magazine, it had happened to me. Brussels sprouts as a salad? This will get me right away. One of my - I think - coolest recipes is the raw Brussels sprouts salad with apples, walnuts and pecorino. This will get you real Brussels spunk haters. A real blast recipe. Another winter salad recipe is of course the red cabbage salad with chorizo. Te...