I already reported yesterday from the summer and the rest kitchen. And that's when I simply start seamlessly. I still had a refrigerated shelf puff pastry in my fridge (again the very tasty light version), which was just before his zenith and the kilogram of leek was already a few days in the vegetable compartment. So what's better than magic a leek quiche out of it? For 2 portions I baked the quiche in a 20 cm springform pan, but an 18er would have been enough. Leek quiche 1 puff pastry from the cooling rack 3-4 large sticks leek 1 egg 100 g crème fraîche 150 g sour cream approx. 50 g Gouda, grated + a little more to sprinkle salt, pepper, paprika butter for the form and to the Andünsten A small Springform ( 18 or 20 cm in diameter) grease well. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Put in the puff pastry and pull up an edge. Pierce several times with a fork. Clean and wash the leek well. Halve only the white and light green part lengthwise and then cut into half-rings that are not too thick. Heat the butter in a non-stick pan and sauté the leeks for about 7 minutes over medium heat. In the meantime the egg with crème fraîche and sour ...

If it should be uncomplicated: Juck-zuck-leek quiche

Yesterday I reported about the summer and the rest kitchen. And that's when I simply start seamlessly. I still had a refrigerated shelf puff pastry in my fridge (again the very tasty light version), which was just before his zenith and the kilogram of leek was already a few days in the vegetable compartment. So what's better than conjuring a leek quiche?

For 2 servings, I baked the quiche in a 20 cm springform pan, but an 18er would even have also served.
Leek quiche
1 puff pastry from the refrigerated rack
3-4 large leeks
1 egg
100 g crème fraîche
150 g sour cream
approx. 50 g Gouda, grated + a bit more to sprinkle
Salt, pepper, paprika powder
Butter for the form and to the Andunsten
A small Springform (18 or 20 cm diameter) grease well. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
Put in the puff pastry and pull up one edge. Pierce several times with a fork.
Clean and wash the leek well. Halve only the white and light green part lengthwise and then cut into half-rings that are not too thick. Heat the butter in a nonstick pan and sauté the leeks for about 7 minutes over medium heat.
In the meantime, whisk the egg with crème fraîche and sour cream. Rub Gouda in at will (I just grated directly from the piece and therefore can only give vague information) and whisk the mixture well.
Season with salt, pepper and paprika to taste.
Add the sautéed leek and mix well, then pour the whole mixture into the springform pan. Sprinkle with a little bit more Gouda.
Bake on the middle rail about 35 minutes until you get the desired browning.

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Hach, there it is, the summer. For a few days he is finally back and invites you to barbecue and ice cream. That's why the kitchen stayed relatively cold with me in the last few days. We were either with friends or grilled, as the weather is, ne Zorra? 😉 However, this has accumulated a bit of what remains of my fridge, which now had to be processed. And what about a bunch of vegetables closer than...

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