Brrr, is it so cold with you? Winter still has us under control here, but at least it shows itself from its most beautiful side: cold, bright blue sky and sunshine - that's what I like! Just the right soups weather! Hack-cheese-leek soup, leek-cheese-hack soup or cheese-leek-soup with hack - who does not know the party classic? This typical party soup has been making the rounds for decades alongside chili con carne or goulash soup as a party classic. Even fix sachets are available for this soup variant. I myself have always been no big fan of this soup because of the tons of processed cheese, which usually come in there. With processed cheese you can hunt me, this mixture of dairy products with melting salts is really not mine and comes with me not on the table, neither in the form of cream cheese nor as a slice cheese. That's why the classic of mine gets a new coat of white wine, cream cheese and Parmesan - this is almost the deluxe version of the party soup! And I am thrilled - nice hearty, warming and made it quick. Delicious! Leek and cheese soup with minced meat for 3-4 servings 500 g leeks (only the white and light green part) 2 shallots 500 g ground beef 125 ml dry white wine 1 l vegetable broth (for example ...

Classic deluxe: Leek and cheese soup with minced meat

Brrr, is it so cold with you? Winter still has us under control here, but at least it shows itself from its most beautiful side: cold, bright blue sky and sunshine - that's what I like!
Just the right soups!

Hack-cheese-leek soup, leek-cheese-hack soup or cheese leek soup with hack - who does not know the party classic? This typical party soup has been making its rounds for decades, alongside chili con carne or goulash soup as a party classic.

Even fix sachets are available for this soup variant. I myself have always been no big fan of this soup because of the vast amounts of processed cheese that usually come in.
With processed cheese you can hunt me, this mixture of dairy products with melting salts is really not mine and does not come up with me either the table, neither in the form of spread cheese nor as a slice cheese.
Therefore, the classic of mine gets a new coat of white wine, cream cheese and Parmesan - that's almost the deluxe version of the party soup!
And I'm excited - beautiful hearty, warming and fast made. Delicious!

Leek and cheese soup with minced meat

for 3-4 servings

500 g leek (only the white and light green part)
2 Shallots
500 g ground beef - 125 ml dry white wine
1 l vegetable stock (for example from organic or homemade brewing powder)
200 g double-cream cheese and freshly grated Parmesan to serve
olive oil
seasoned Italian herbs for flavoring
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Peel the shallots and finely dice them.
Thoroughly wash and clean the leeks, cut in half lengthwise and finely chop Cut half rings.
Heat some olive oil in a large saucepan and sauté the ground beef crumbly all around, parting with a wooden spoon over and over again.
Add shallots and leek rings and also sauté. If you like, add 1/2 Tl of dried Italian herbs to this place. Pour the white wine and simmer the mixture for about 5 minutes, then add the broth.
Bring the soup to a boil and then cook for about 10 minutes at low temperature Simmer gently.
Add the cream cheese and mix everything carefully and thoroughly, but only simmer lightly and do not boil. If necessary, season with salt and pepper and spread the soup directly on soup bowls. Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper and grated Parmesan as desired and serve immediately.

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